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Competitive Gymnastics

Bluewater Gymnastics Club offers a thoughtfully developed model of progressive training programs in Women’s Artistic Gymnastics to help competitive gymnasts

grow into strong, skilled and confident athletes.  Gymnasts learn self-discipline, team work and how to challenge themselves both physically and mentally. 

The two most important qualities of a competitive gymnast are having a positive attitude and striving to do their best each day in the gym. 

REGISTRATION in the Competitive Program is processed internally. 




Girls 4-7 Years

Hours:  6-9 Hours

This program is for athletes who have been selected through the tryout process by the Head Coach.  This program focuses on the basic body positions, conditioning, form and skills required to progress to other competitive programs.  This program is designed to feed athletes into programs where they best fit.

Junior Olympic

Girls 6-20 Years

Hours:  9 Hours, 12-15 Hours, 20-25 Hours

This program is for athletes to learn skills safely, with good form and proper technique preparing them for higher levels of competition.  Entry into this program is determined on evaluations and tryouts. 

High Performance

Girls 6-20 Years

Hours:  25 Hours 

High Performance

This program is for athletes who plan to progress through the provincial program into the national program by having achieved a level of physical and mental preparation needed for the highest competitive level.  Athletes aspiring to be or who are National athletes are determined, self-motivated and training elite skills sets at a much higher intensity.