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Birthday Parties 

About Our Birthday Parties

Parties are 1 hour and 45 minutes: 1 hour in the gym and 45 minutes in the downstairs party room. 

Our party room is now downstairs in the lobby because our upstairs room has been converted into a gym. 

Cost: $200

Number of participants: 1-15.

Upon arrival, a coach will greet you and provide you with a Party Waiver.

Fall Birthday Registration begins Tuesday, August 20th at 8:00am!

Party Time slots: September - December 2024


1. Gym 4:00-5:00 pm, Party Room 5:00-5:45 pm

2. Gym 6:00-7:00 pm, Party Room 7:00-7:45 pm



1. Gym 2:30-3:30 pm, Party Room 3:30-4:15 pm  



Parties can be booked online through the calendar below. 

DARK PURPLE party times are spots that are OPEN.  LITE PURPLE times are booked. 

*NEW* Ninja Birthday Parties 


Ninja Birthday Parties (Upstairs)

This birthday party takes place in our Ninja gym upstairs!

This party is for 1-8 participants ages 4-8.

Cost is $125

The coach will lead children through structured Ninja activities during their hour of gym time!

Ninja parties are BLUE on the booking calendar

There are NO Ninja Parties available in July & August 2024

Party room is upstairs for the Ninja birthday parties

Parties can be booked online through the calendar below. 

DARK BLUE Ninja party (upstairs) times are spots that are OPEN. LITE BLUE times are booked.




Online payment in full is required at the time of booking and is non-refundable. Payment can be done over the phone with a Visa or Mastercard. All other forms of payment must be done in person during office hours.

A list of participants and their contact information as well as the Party Waiver must be submitted before entrance into the gym.

All participants must be 4 years of age or older unless special arrangements are made beforehand with our Office Staff (

The maximum number of 15 children is strictly adhered to

Our Birthday Parties include a warm-up, obstacle courses, beam challenges, bar climb and swings, vault springs, tumble track and trampoline activities, group games and free play for children ages 4 and up.

Parties are available for 1 hour in the gym and 45 minutes in the downstairs party room. 

Food and drink can be brought to the party room as long as it is peanut and nut free.


What should we bring to the party?

The birthday party family supplies their own food, drinks, cake, cutlery, and decorations. We provide tables and chairs. 

What should the participants wear?

Participants should wear athletic attire or comfortable clothes. Long hair must be tied back. No shoes, socks, or jewelry in the gym.


DARK PURPLE party times are spots that are OPEN.  LITE PURPLE times are booked. 

DARK BLUE Ninja party (upstairs) times are spots that are OPEN. LITE BLUE times are booked.




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